Thursday, April 11, 2013

Red Sketchbook 6x9 with pocket in back

My apologies to fans and clients... a very important creation/sketchbook of mine has been out of my possession for the last 7 days. I believe somebody else holds that which has many personal drawings and memories of people, places and pets long passed. If anybody has found this sketchbook and gone to this blog (there are postcards in the pocket to advertise my/this blog) I ask that the "finder/protector" please return my sketchbook soon as it is much more than a collection of art to me.
   You can contact me through this blog's email address: or if you prefer to be more discrete you can return it to the vicinity of departure: the Nichols Center. The building is open every Wednesday morning at 9 am as there is a social gathering (not mine) in the back room while the front 2 rooms are empty. As you walk in the front door go to the 1st room on the right and you will find an open cabinet with (6?) lower drawers on the far right/back wall (no windows or chalkboards on that wall) . The top right drawer has art magazines/books (much better than my work) where you can leave the red 6x9. I will start checking each Wednesday  after 1 pm to see if you have found/returned it. I hope once you find this blog that you realize those people and places (while they may be cool to look at) are my (now lost) memories that belong with me and are greatly missed.

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