Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Blast from the past

   Although not a current work, "Raven's Boots" (24"x24") is worth mentioning for it's sheer merit earned as one of the paintings I most enjoyed. I had loved these well loved treasures (boots) from the first time I met Raven at Art Students League in Manhattan. Although the model was a beautifull person in his own right, it was his boots that sang to me the richness of capturing a persona beyond inspiration and within the first 5 minutes of getting to know him, I had no reserves of telling him, "I want to paint your boots!"
   2 years later and probably more than 100 hours of working with him as my muse and getting to know him between sessions, he casually mentioned how he needed to move the strappings on to his new boots. I reminded him of our 1st conversation insisting that he let me paint his old boots before he transfer accessories to the new pair. With an understanding for the artist's momment of inspiration, Raven removed the studded collar from around his neck, put it in the box with the old boots and handed it to me with a smile saying, "Keep it as long as you need." 4 weekends later I returned the box of collar and boots with a smile feeling quite happy for having given up my one day off a week all month in exchange for what I felt was my best work yet.

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